The Future of Sobriety Testing


Enhancing Accuracy & Compliance in DUI Testing.

My objective was to design and develop a user-friendly mobile app that automates and streamlines the SFST administration process for Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs). The app enhances the user experience with an intuitive UI, simplifies DUI traffic stops, and ensures accuracy and legal compliance. I focused on creating a comprehensive testing suite, robust evidence collection capabilities, and prioritizing data security. By integrating camera features for the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN) test and ensuring seamless report generation, the app provides LEOs with essential tools for efficient and accurate sobriety tests. Operates on a subscription based model for individuals or precincts/businesses. This project aims to revolutionize law enforcement procedures and foster community engagement through innovative features and a user-centric design.


  1. UI/UX Design
  2. Design Research
  3. Feature V+P
  4. ia/user flows
  5. Wireframes
  6. Prototype
  7. Design system
  8. Interaction Design


  1. figma
  2. illustrator
  3. photoshop
  4. after effects


the brand

SFST is dedicated to revolutionizing law enforcement procedures through innovative technology. The company's mission is to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of sobriety testing with a user-friendly mobile app designed for Law Enforcement Officers. By automating the Standard Field Sobriety Test (SFST) process, ensuring robust evidence collection, and prioritizing data security, the company aims to support officers in conducting accurate and legally compliant DUI traffic stops. With its intuitive design and comprehensive features, the app is poised to become the go-to tool for law enforcement officers, driving widespread adoption and improving community safety.


+ Discovery

During the research and discovery phase, I aimed to understand the pain points, needs, and aspirations of various Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs) and stakeholders. By gathering detailed insights from the stakeholder, a seasoned LEO, I was able to identify key challenges and opportunities of LEOs during DUI traffic stops, leading to the development of a more efficient and accurate solution for sobriety testing. Four main pain points were highlighted:

Efficiency in Sobriety Testing:

  • LEOs need a reliable and efficient tool to conduct Standard Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) during DUI traffic stops.

  • Manual processes are time-consuming and prone to human error.

Evidence Collection:

  • There is a critical need for robust evidence collection, particularly photo and video documentation of the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN) test, which is lacking in many current solutions.


Data Security & Legal Concerns:

  • Ensuring that test results and videos are not stored on the officer's phone is essential to prevent legal complications if the officer's phone is subpoenaed in court.


User Experience:

  • Existing tools often have cumbersome interfaces that distract officers from their primary duties during traffic stops.

Some Manual SFST Processes + Documentation:
Manual Processes and Documentation

The solution

A user-friendly mobile app that automates and streamlines the SFST administration process for LEOs. The app enables officers to conduct Standard Field Sobriety Tests with ease, record the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN) test using the phone’s camera, and generate comprehensive reports for solid legal evidence. It ensures data security by securely managing test results and recordings, and offers an intuitive interface that allows officers to focus on their duties without distractions.

Consolidating Insights

Building personas and identifying the apps main users provided a clearer sense of direction, ensuring that the app's development remained focused on solving the real-world problems faced by LEOs during DUI traffic stops.
Goals: To conduct accurate and efficient sobriety tests during DUI traffic stops, gather robust evidence for legal proceedings, and ensure data security.
Pain Points: Manual testing processes are time-consuming and prone to error. Existing tools are cumbersome and lack necessary features for comprehensive evidence collection.
Goals:  To oversee the implementation of effective tools for DUI enforcement, ensure officers have reliable and secure resources, and improve overall efficiency in the department. To efficiently manage user accounts, monitor app usage, ensure all officers are trained and compliant with the app’s features, and conduct sobriety tests as needed.
Pain Points: Ensuring officers are equipped with reliable tools that streamline the testing process and enhance the accuracy and security of collected evidence.

Crafting the Roadmap

To ensure the app meets the needs of its users, I meticulously ideated and prioritized features based on their impact and feasibility. Collaborating closely with engineers, I aligned on timing and capabilities, enabling the development of a robust and scalable solution tailored to the requirements of law enforcement officers.





At this stage, my focus was on creating a clear information hierarchy and ensuring scannability for the users. Law Enforcement Officers need to quickly access and navigate the app’s features, especially during critical moments. I began with the onboarding screens to ensure a smooth initial experience, then moved on to designing the dashboard screen, which houses the SFST hub containing all the tests & prescreening, SFST Guide, NHTSA Handbook, Profile, Laws by State & Appendix. Given its high priority, I concentrated on the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN) test first, alongside the pre-testing modules, ensuring it met the stringent requirements for evidence collection and accuracy. Afterward, I completed the wireframes for the remaining features & tests to ensure a cohesive user experience throughout the app. See a snapshot below of these screens flows:


DasH / SFST HUB / Pre -Testing

SFST Testing / hgn test







SFST pre-testing

SFST testing

SFST post-testing

dashboard nav

App Store Screens



Drake for SiriusXM - Gabriella Magamas Initial Pitch Artwork