Invest Smarter, Not Harder.

4 Wall iq

Comps Made Easy. Time Made Valuable. Invest with Confidence.

My objective was to modernize and enhance the user interface and user experience by introducing dimension and dynamism to a previously flat and static interface. I revamped the color palette from a monotonous mint to a slightly more vibrant and approachable scheme, presenting options and collaborating with stakeholders for feedback. I simplified the navigation, enhanced user flows and layouts, designed and implemented new features, and developed an initial design system while working closely with stakeholders to validate design decisions. The result is a vibrant, efficient dashboard that automates comparisons (comps), simplifying complex data analysis for investors and analysts. This project stands out in its niche by offering a tailored focus and advanced AI capabilities not found in other web apps in the industry or space.


  1. UI Re-skin
  2. UX enhancements
  3. ia/user flows
  4. Wireframes
  5. Prototype
  6. initial Design system
  7. Interaction Design


  1. figma
  2. illustrator
  3. photoshop
  4. after effects


the brand

4Wall IQ offers a B2B, SaaS web app that simplifies and automates complex data analysis for the retail investment due diligence process. They provide a platform for creating and managing live and updated custom comparisons (comps) for businesses. They automate research and analysis tasks, freeing up your time to focus on your business. 4Wall IQ's goal is to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of investment research, making it easier for investors and analysts to make informed decisions.



First, I conducted a comprehensive design audit of the existing MVP, reviewing the app's current state with the stakeholder, identifying key areas for improvement, and ideating and refining user flows, as well as bringing new features to life. This audit helped establish a clear roadmap, ensuring that the most impactful enhancements were addressed first. I also examined the UI/UX of similar platforms like Crunchbase, Speeda Edge, Public Comps, Koyfin, Placer.ai, and PrivCo for inspiration. By analyzing their design elements and user flows, I influenced the redesign of 4Wall, transforming its static interface into a dynamic and modern user experience tailored specifically for the retail investment sector. Based on this research and design audit, five key findings were highlighted:

Flat Interface:

  • The original design was non-dimensional (very Web 1.0 looking), lacked visual hierarchy and section delineation, and featured a monotonous, masculine color palette, resulting in an outdated and disengaging appearance.


Navigation Issues:

  • Confusing navigation made it difficult for users to quickly access information and complete tasks.


Ineffective Data Visualization:

  • The platform’s data visualizations and dashboards were visually uninteresting and inefficient, limiting users' ability to assess property investments effectively. Missing features like interactive filtering and multi-level data exploration further hindered functionality.



  • The MVP was built without an established design system in place, it was very bare bones. This led to inconsistent screens, use of space, layout and components, creating a chaotic user experience and negatively impacting brand perception.


Limited Functionality:

  • The platform needed more advanced features and comprehensive data for due diligence and market insights. The stakeholder had some features scoped out with rough wireframes that required further development, such as Market Insights, Media, and Market Tracker. Additionally, the Performance Maps and Companies pages, while functional, were bare-bones and needed substantial enhancements.

Old Interface

The solution

I breathed life into the 4Wall IQ platform by refreshing the previously dull and flat interface, transforming it into a dynamic and modern design with added depth and visual interest. I introduced a vibrant pastel color palette and streamlined navigation.  Key user flows were enhanced for better usability, building upon the platform's solid foundational processes.

New features such as media pages, market trackers, and market insights were added to provide robust tools for data analysis.  These enhancements were developed in partnership with stakeholders, as well as through my own ideation.

To ensure a cohesive user experience and reflect the professionalism of the brand, I introduced consistency between visual elements and developed an initial design system that is scalable, elegant, and accessible. Sections are now more clearly delineated, aiding in the visual grouping of related information. The strategic use of subtle shadows, gradients, and icons creates a more engaging and intuitive interface, while refined font choices and spacing enhance overall readability. These elements also contribute to a cleaner and more organized interface. Enhanced dashboards and clear, interactive data visualizations were implemented to help users navigate and interpret large volumes of data effortlessly, making complex information more digestible and actionable.









High Fidelity


other Comp outputs

Tracker outputs

Market Insights


Company Directory



Drake for SiriusXM - Gabriella Magamas Initial Pitch Artwork